Background Investigation

When contemplating a business relationship—be it a commercial partnership, investment or an important hire—accurate information regarding the background of the counterparty is vital in the decision-making process. If an individual or company has a history of negative conduct, this pattern may continue into the future. Existing liabilities may jeopardize the bottom line and undisclosed controversies may surface to devastating effect.

Keefer Research & Investigation quickly indexes public records involving the subject to determine areas of interest that become the focus of more in-depth investigation. Court researchers are utilized where necessary to ensure full litigation coverage. The end result is a detailed summary of the subject’s professional, personal, and legal history that is backed by a verifiable paper trail of business registrations, litigation filings, regulatory documents, and other public records.

Case Studies

Conducted a background investigation of the CEO of a natural food company for a potential investor. A rigorous review of archived public records revealed previously unknown negative information including a 1980s drug conviction and two separate negligent homicide convictions—in the 1960s and 1980s—in connection with drunk driving incidents.

Researched the background of an investment professional at the request of a potential business partner. The investigation revealed inconsistencies and exaggerations in the subject’s resume. A Freedom of Information Act request submitted to securities regulators provided details on enforcement actions against the subject while he was a licensed broker.