Asset Searches

An asset report from Keefer Research & Investigation is a valuable tool for clients negotiating a settlement or confronting adversaries in court. For clients seeking to collect on a judgment, track down misappropriated assets, or find evidence of fraud, KRI will provide a detailed inventory and analysis of the assets of individuals and companies.

KRI conducts a thorough search of databases and public records to identify real estate holdings, interests in public and private companies, motor vehicle, watercraft, and aircraft ownership, as well as other tangible and intangible assets held by the subject. KRI finds assets concealed in trusts or transferred to family members or other third parties and identifies undisclosed business interests that may lead to the revelation of other assets.

Case Studies

Member of an investigative team retained by U.S. trustee to identify the assets of a family that had profited from a multi-billion-dollar Ponzi scheme. In addition to identifying tangible assets including cash, real estate, automobiles, boats, and art, a review of public records and internal documents identified partnership interests by family members in more than one hundred companies. Obtained certified corporate filings and other public records from jurisdictions around the world that were entered into bankruptcy proceedings as part of the asset recovery process.

Researched the assets of a hotel developer following default on a loan provided by the client. Identified diverse ownership interests in a variety of hotel interests held via third parties internationally. Armed with intelligence on assets to pursue, the client came to an equitable settlement with the developer.